
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochody › The dragon
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2015-12-01 23:01:28
    Temat: The dragon
    Od: Arkady <>

    Long, long ago in a distant galaxy...
    Actually, near the medieval Krakow there was living a dragon, who
    terrorised the capital city of Poland threatening the citizens that they
    must feed him with young girls, otherwise he will destroy the city. The
    situation has lasted until the young shepherd called Skuba has prepared
    an dead sheep stuffed with sulphur and thrown it near the dragon's lair.
    The beast has eaten it and started to suffer big pain in stomach. He
    needed to drink water from the Vistula river to relieve the pain. He
    drunk it so much that exploded in the end...

    Now the story is being retold...

    Ta wiadomość została sprawdzona na obecność wirusów przez oprogramowanie antywirusowe

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