
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyA u nas by dostal dwa w zawiasach i zostalby kierowca MZK w W-wie › Re: A u nas by dostal dwa w zawiasach i zostalby kierowca MZK w W-wie
  • Data: 2020-06-30 19:05:32
    Temat: Re: A u nas by dostal dwa w zawiasach i zostalby kierowca MZK w W-wie
    Od: K <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    On 30/06/2020 17:50, J.F. wrote:
    > Użytkownik "K"  napisał w wiadomości grup
    > dyskusyjnych:rdfekh$ov1$1$
    > On 30/06/2020 14:11, PiteR wrote:
    >>>> a tym czasem w identycznej wystuacji amerykanie swoim
    >>>> najwierniejszym lokajom pokazuja wielkiego chuja:
    >> Tylko, ze zarowno ona jak i jej maz nie mieli immunitetu.
    > Nie mieli ?
    > Immunitet dla dyplomatow jest raczej standardowo.
    >> Jest szansa na proces w USA ale obstawiam, ze gowno jej zrobia, a z
    >> kraju nigdy nie wyjedzie ze wzgledu na note Interpolu.
    > Za to odszkodowanie moze byc potezne :-)
    > J.

    Problem w tym, ze oni oboje nie byli dylomatami:

    "The collision became the subject of a diplomatic dispute when Sacoolas
    left the country shortly after the incident and the US embassy said she
    had diplomatic immunity as the wife of a US agent working in the UK. The
    Washington Examiner reported that Jonathan Sacoolas did not work for the
    National Security Agency, and that the Sacoolas family lived in Northern
    Virginia in the area of the Central Intelligence Agency Langley

    Dunn's parents were advised by two leading specialist lawyers on
    diplomatic immunity, Mark Stephens and Geoffrey Robertson. They advised
    that Anne Sacoolas was not entitled to diplomatic immunity, as her
    husband was not listed as a diplomat. Furthermore, they contended,
    diplomatic immunity no longer applied upon Sacoolas's return to her home
    country; therefore, it would be possible to take civil action in the US
    courts. The Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, also stated that diplomatic
    immunity no longer applied. Dunn's parents, in order to get justice for
    their son, decided to travel to the US to "fight for change" and seek
    the return of Sacoolas to the UK."


    "On 11 May 2020, an Interpol Red Notice was issued for Sacoolas's arrest."

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