
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programming › Styla: Interpreter Prologu w Scali
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2012-02-04 18:16:42
    Temat: Styla: Interpreter Prologu w Scali
    Od: A.L. <>

    Gdyby ktos sie chcial dowiedziec jak pisac wieksze programy w jezyku
    Scala i tak dalej - post na comp.lang.prolog.

    Cytuje ponizej.


    Styla is a fairly complete Prolog interpreter written in Scala,
    derived from Kernel Prolog (see Fluents: A Refactoring of Prolog for
    Uniform Reflection and Interoperation with External Objects in

    The genuinely open sourced (Apache license) code is hosted at:

    and it is designed with simplicity and extensibility in mind - hoping
    it would be useful to people experimenting with new Prolog extensions
    or alternative logic programming languages.

    Among the features not found in most Prologs, first class Logic
    Engines - and a generic view of everything as Fluents (TermSinks and
    TermSources) that abstract away iteration over various data types,
    including answers produced by Logic Engines.

    Here are some limitations, most things not on this list and expected
    from a Prolog system should work.

    - toplevel goals that a not conjunctions should be parenthesized
    - operators are all fixed and xfx, but they match the default
    priorities of
    most Prologs' operators - see examples in progs/
    - no gui or networking - Scala can do all that better

    Take a look at prolog.Main for the start-up sequence - that gives a
    glimpse of how to embed it into a Scala or Java program.

    To add a new built-ins, just clone the closest match in
    prolog.builtins and drop it in the same directory - the runtime system
    will instantly recognize it.

    Use the script "compile" to recompile the system with scalac "run" to
    run it with scala and jrun to run it with java (possibly edit for path
    info in this case).

    The file prolog/fluents/Lib.scala embeds Prolog code that is present
    at start-up. New Prolog code that you want part of the default
    libraries can be added there.


    Paul Tarau

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