
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.telefonia.gsmAMOLED czy IPS TFT, co lepsze? › Re: AMOLED czy IPS TFT, co lepsze?
  • Data: 2016-10-03 05:30:19
    Temat: Re: AMOLED czy IPS TFT, co lepsze?
    Od: Yerine Ictimai <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Yerine Ictimai <> Wrote in message:
    > Ale takie coś jak rozdzielenie gwarancji na software i na hardware
    > akurat jest sprawę wybitnie umowną

    In EU that's the 1999/44/CE directive that protect consumers in
    case of faults rendering the product unusable (definitely not the
    case everywhere in the rest of the world). And it's up to the
    manufacturer to prove that the fault is induced by a wrong
    software manipulation. In the case that this happens in the first
    6 months then it is assumed it's a manufacturing
    Obviously it does not cover wrong hardware manipulations, water,
    etc.. which is not covered.
    It has been transposed to EU member states in 2014. 
    Each case is different but generally, rooting, custom ROM,.. do
    not void your 2 years warranty in EU.


    Ładnie to tak dzieci straszyć? :P

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